How do I print out a copy of my proposal budget?
- Click on Budget Versions.
- To the far right of the budget, click the Actions dropdown arrow and click “Print”.
- Click the checkbox of the desired Report, then click Print.
How do I request a new sponsor be added to Kuali Coeus?
There are two ways one may request a new Sponsor, new Address Book Entry/Non-MIT Employee, or new Subaward Organization in KC. Either create a ticket in the RAS Service Tracker (, or submit the request through the request forms on the KC website.
How do I search for Institute Proposals by DLCI and fiscal year?
Information on searching/reporting of proposals for a specific time period may be found in the Institute Proposal Search Quick Reference Card.
How do I search in Kuali Coeus for a development proposal?
From the home dashboard, click the Search for Proposals link. This will open the search lookup screen. Enter search criteria and click Search.
How do I view cost sharing commitments for my Award?
In the Award Module, click on the “Commitments” tab. Now, under the Cost Sharing panel, click on the “show” button, and cost sharing commitments by project year are displayed.
How do I view F&A rate information on my Award?
In the Award Module, click on the “Commitments” tab. Now under the Rates panel, click on the “show” button and F&A rate information will be displayed.
NOTE: If this information is blank on an Active award, then “MIT billing rates” apply, which may change by fiscal year along with the current federally negotiated rate.
How should we treat postdoctoral fellow positions in the Kuali Coeus budget?
Postdoctoral fellow appointments as referred to in 5.3.3 of MIT Policies and Procedures are not appropriate costs to organized research activities (research project WBS) of the Institute. More information may be found in this FAQ titled "Can a Post-doc fellow be charged to a research account?"
It is possible for the subject matter of a Sponsored project to overlap with the area of a Fellowship to the point where their work will benefit both their Fellowship research goals and the goals of the Sponsored project. In this case, you would want to include language noting how the research program falls within the area of the Fellowship and is an excellent opportunity for the Fellow. This language should not be included in the budget justification as it would not be a budgeted item.
Non-Personnel Fellowship expenses may be appropriate costs, and may be charged using the G/L account 420172 ‘Fellowship Expense’.
Post Doctoral Associates costs may be charged to sponsored programs, using the g/l account 400390 ‘Post Doctoral Staff – On’.
I have built a proposal hierarchy and have certified all my investigators at the child level. When I go to submit, I get a message that says I must certify all investigators. What am I doing wrong?
Investigators must be certified at the Parent level in Hierarchy proposals.
I have sent the proposal certification request email via the Notify button in my proposal, but the individuals state that they are not receiving the email.
The Key Person you are trying to certify most likely did not have their Kerberos User Name established at the time they were added to the proposal. The best way to determine this is to look in the Details tab in Key Personnel for that individual. If you see their MIT ID number 9XXXXXXX in place of User Name (Figure 1), then their Kerberos had not been established yet. If it has been determined that the individual now has a Kerberos ID, then simply remove the individual from the proposal and then re-add. Their Kerberos name should have replaced their MIT ID number. Then click Notify as normal to facilitate the certification.

I need to gather a report of proposals submitted for a specific time period. How can I do this?
Information on searching/reporting of proposals for a specific time period may be found in the Institute Proposal Search Quick Reference Card.